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Product Number 0605010522

  • Promo package 2 anti-mold sprays: universal + disinfectant
  • To remove mold from tiles, silicone sealants, cement
  • Excellently clean joints in wet rooms, bathrooms, terraces, around windows
  • Packaging: 2 x 500 ml

819lvOnline price

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Promo package of two cleaners STOP Mold of the CERESIT brand: STOP Mold All in one and STOP Bath Mold. The first is universal and the second is disinfectant. Both are in spray form.
STOP Mold All in one is a strong detergent specially designed to remove mold and mildew from tiles, silicone sealants, cement and other surfaces. Excellently cleans joints in wet and damp rooms, bathrooms, terraces and around windows. It is used wherever there is mold or mildew. These can be places around showers, bathrooms, basements, kitchens, ceilings, walls, terraces, floors, pools and more.
After cleaning with the mold and mildew remover, it is desirable to further treat the treated areas with the STOP Bath Mold Disinfectant Spray. This guarantees even longer protection, as well as a cozy and healthy atmosphere.
Both preparations are available in packages of 500 ml.


Против мухъл
2 х 500мл

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