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Product Number 0205010011

  • One-component transparent epoxy-based primer with solvent
  • Density: 0.98 kg/l.
  • Short open working hours
  • Operating temperature: from +5°C to +40°C
  • Consumption rate: from 5 to 8 l/sq.m
7739lvOnline price

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One-component primer 1 Primer-3N 1106030008-11-poliuretan-600ml-kafv-flex-11-fc-sika_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1106030032-poliuretanov-fugouplytnitel-at-flex-connection-600ml-bejov-sika_246x246_pad_478b24840a
11897 lv


One-component transparent primer Primer-3N, created on an epoxy basis. Contains solvent. Its density is 0.98 kg/l.Used on wet or dry porous substrates and surfaces. Application: of absorbent building materials such as concrete, aerated concrete, granite, brick, stone, mortar, plaster.
The primer has a short open working time.It can be applied with a brush or roller. Prior to priming, the surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned, dusted and dry. It is desirable that the operating ambient temperature be between +5°C and +40°C. The consumption rate of the primer depends on the type of foundation on which it is placed. On the porous surfaces, its indicators are 5 l/sq. m, and on the others the consumption is 8 l/sq.m.


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