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Product Number 1101030007

  • Boro gypsum plaster for installation in dry rooms and on interior walls
  • For concrete, aerated concrete, lime-sand, lime-cement-sand, etc. surfaces
  • For rooms with normal humidity
  • Operating temperature: from +5°C to +30°C
  • Consumption rate: from 200 to 500 g/sq.m depending on the base
  • Packaging: 5 kg
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Gypsum putty 5 kg 0205010040-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0205010041-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3817 lv


Boro gypsum plaster is designed for installation in dry rooms and on interior walls. It treats concrete, aerated concrete, lime-sand, lime-cement-sand and cement-sand surfaces, gypsum plasters and masonry, as well as gypsum-fiber boards located in rooms with normal humidity. The distinctive qualities and merits of gypsum plaster are:
- good ductility,
- more open time,
- creates smooth and strong surfaces,
- easy and convenient to apply, with minimal loss of consistency,
- meets Bulgarian standards and is manufactured in accordance with BDS EN 13279-1.
Not recommended for application on plastic surfaces. The consumption rate of the solution is:
- from 200 to 400 g/sq.m for laying on plaster,
- from 250 to 500 g/sq.m for placement on concrete bases and slabs.
These indicators depend largely on the type of boards, their smoothness and characteristics. The recommended application temperature is from +5°C to +30°C. It is not desirable to add gypsum, cement, sand, etc. to the solution. This would lead to a deterioration in the quality of gypsum plaster and its characteristics.
Mixing is carried out in a ratio: 1 kg of mixture to 450-550 ml of water.
Gypsum plaster is available in a package of 5 kg.



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