Construction plaster of TERAZID, designed for fine leveling and rougher plastering of internal surfaces. It has an improved consistency and is used in various construction and painting activities. With it you can easily cycle and grind different types of surfaces. Building plaster is especially suitable for drawing corners and filling joints indoors. It dries quickly, has perfect whiteness and strength of the final coating. This defines it as an indispensable product for any professional builder or hobbyist.
In order to achieve optimal results from the use of TERAZID gypsum, it is necessary to add about 700 ml to 1 kg of the powdered product. water. The mixture thus obtained is stirred until a homogeneous solution is reached. It is placed on a well-cleaned and dust-free surface. A steel trowel or spatula can be used. The finished mixture should be applied within 5-6 minutes.
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