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Product Number 0606041126

  • Dimensions: 30 x 26 x 14 cm
  • Made of metal
  • Universal application
  • Installation without drilling
1099лвOnline price

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Universal lifting basket 30 x 26 x 14 cm BABATEX 30 0606041126-0606041127_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0606041132_246x246_pad_478b24840a
4247 лв


Universal lifting basket Babatex 30 of the METALTEX brand. Made of metal. The basket measures 30 x 26 x 14 cm. It is designed for universal use and can be placed under kitchen shelves, countertops, cabinets, in the workshop as an organizer and anywhere else where it would be useful and functional when it comes to optimal organization of space.
The installation of the product is simple and can be done without drilling. It is equipped with comfortable shoulders that act as hooks for hanging. Thanks to them, the universal lifting basket can be quickly and easily moved to where it is most needed. It is a practical and convenient tool that has a place in every household.


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