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Product Number 1101040009

  • Cement putty CT 127
  • For smoothing walls and ceilings
  • Suitable for final coating
  • Perfectly smooth and flawlessly white
  • Layer thickness: up to 2 mm
  • Consumption: 0.4 - 1.2 kg/sq.m.
  • Quantity per pallet: 200 pcs
  • Packaging: 5 kg
1199lvOnline price

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Cement putty 5 kg ST 127 1101030049-shpaklovka-gipsova-ct-126-5-kg-fawema_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0205010040-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
2847 lv


Fine putty CERESIT CT127 serves to cover traditionally plastered and concrete surfaces with a layer of maximum thickness of 2 mm. Final processing is traditionally done with sandpaper. The surface covered with CERESIT CT127 becomes perfectly smooth and impeccably white and therefore may not be painted. If it is still desired, it can be used as a top primer and after drying it can be painted with latex and even with mineral-based paints. This fine putty can be used indoors in dry areas without constant humidity.


  • extremely white and smooth
  • can be left as a final coating
  • with high adhesion force
  • passes water vapor
  • long time of use of the finished solution
  • Mixing ratio: 8 l of water per 20 kg of ST127
  • Time of use of the finished mixture: 24 hours in a well-closed container
  • Operating temperature: from +5°C to +30°C
  • Consumption (per mm layer thickness): 0.4 - 1.2 kg/sq.m
  • Drying time: approx. 1 mm surface layer per day



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