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Product Number 0205010032

  • Deep penetrating primer
  • For preparation of bases before laying tiles, plastering or painting
  • Strengthens the base, repels moisture and provides a clean working environment
  • Suitable for outdoor and indoor
  • Consumption rate: from 100 to 500 ml depending on the base
  • Packaging: 2 liters
1599лвOnline price

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Deep penetrating primer CT 17 2l 1101110005-universalen-fugopylnitel-i-shpaklovka_246x246_pad_478b24840a nova_246x246_pad_478b24840a
7367 лв


Deep penetrating primer CERESIT CT17, created on the basis of synthetic resin. It is intended for preparation of the base, before the actual laying of tiles, plastering or painting. CERESIT CT17 primer strengthens the substrate by removing soil, repels moisture, reduces the absorbency of the substrate. It can be used outdoors and indoors. Its purpose is mainly for expanded and extruded polystyrene foam (styrofoam and fiber).

The consumption rate of the primer is from 100 to 500 ml, which depends on the base on which it will be applied.

It is also used for gluing or plastering of extruded polystyrene boards.The mixture is factory mixed, powder, mineral based. It contains cement, organic binders, sand and additives. The maximum thickness of the roof layer should not exceed 20 mm. The offered primer is in a package of 2 liters.


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