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Product Number 0201030124

Восъчен кит за дърво с цвят бор. Восъчният кит е предназначен за ретуш и прикриване на дребни и по-големи дефекти върху дървени повърхности и изделия от дърво. Восъчните и маслените покрития за дървесина се комбинират много добре с восъчни китове.
780лвOnline price

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The wax putty is designed for retouching and concealing small and large defects on wooden surfaces and wood products. Wax and oil coatings for wood combine very well with wax putties.
The wax putty is very flexible, easily comes into contact with wood, is characterized by high water resistance, strength and durability. It is applied by melting. After cooling, the excess of the applied putty is removed with a scraping knife or spatula.



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