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Product Number 0502050011

  • For basic fertilization before sowing crops
  • Particularly effective for slightly oxidized and neutral soils
  • For plants with low potassium consumption
  • Contains zeolite, which improves soil structure
  • Fertilize on dry, not wet parts of plants
  • Packaging: 1 kg
599лвOnline price

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Complex NPK fertilizer in granules 1 kg 0502050078-troen-superfosfat-1kg_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502030072-universalen-bio-torfen-substrat-40l_246x246_pad_478b24840a
2457 лв


Fertilizer in the form of NPK granules from the AGRO brand. The fertilizer is applied to crops that are sensitive to chlorine. NPK contains natural rock zeolite, which attracts nutrients and then slowly releases them into the soil to feed the plants. Zeolite improves the structure of the soil and its aeration.NPK fertilizer granules are used for basic fertilization before sowing crops. The preparation is especially effective for slightly oxidized and neutral soils. It is suitable for fertilizing vegetables, field crops, orchards, vineyards, ornamental plants and other cultivated plants, which are characterized by low potassium consumption.
Application and dosage:
The fertilizer is distributed and applied evenly on the surface, and then settles in the soil. Fertilization is done on dry, not wet parts of plants.

  • Cabbage crops: 50-80 g/ sq.m.
  • Root vegetables: from 70 to 100 g/ sq.m.
  • Vegetable oils: from 70 to 100 g/ sq.m.
  • Tuberous vegetables: from 70 to 100 g/ sq.m.
  • Seed plants: 70 to 110 g/ sq.m.
  • Stone plants: from 70 to 110 g/ sq.m.
  • Strawberries: from 50 to 120 g/ sq.m.
  • Other small fruits: 50 to 80 g/ sq.m.
  • Field crops: from 30 to 110 g/ sq.m.
  • Grass plants: 50-90 g/ sq.m.

The best time to fertilize with NPK is February, March, April, May, June and July.
The product is available in a package of 1 kg.


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