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Product Number 0106010421

  • Bathroom shelf with clear glass
  • No holders
  • Size: 50 x 13 cm
  • Glass thickness: 6 mm
  • Easy and convenient installation
839лвOnline price

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Glass shelf for bathroom with transparent glass 6 mm, 50 x 13 cm, without holders 0106010420-22-polica-za-banja-bez-dyrjachi_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0102040452-rychen-dush-s-3-funkcii-f80mm-1-2_246x246_pad_478b24840a
2329 лв


Bathroom shelf with clear glass and size 50 x 13 cm. The thickness of the glass is 6 mm. The shelf can be a good addition to the interior of your bathroom. The bathroom accessory is available without holders, and its installation is extremely easy and convenient. The glass of the shelf is specially treated to withstand prolonged and frequent use in a bathroom or wet room.


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