Product Number 0504030045
Urn for breaking ice brand BEOROL. The device is especially necessary when we have to deal with the unpleasant effects of the weather, in more difficult places and roads.
The icebreaker is made of high quality steel and its handle is wooden. The working surface of the tool is strong and stable enough, as it is pointed in the front part. This ensures more efficient and fast ice removal. In addition to its main purpose of breaking ice, the tool can also have a multifunctional use, such as being used to clean flat surfaces from sticky dirt.
The working part of the tool is 15 cm long.
- Продукти
- Ледоразбивачи
- Предназначение
- За разбиване на лед
- Произход
- Сърбия
- Марка
- Вносител
- Бошнаков ЕООД
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