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Product Number 0806100535

  • Adapter for tips
  • Dimensions: 1/2 "F, 1/4" F
  • Length: 38 mm
  • Chrome-vanadium steel
319lvOnline price

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Bit adapter 1/2" F x 1/4" F, 38mm 0806100512-adaptor-36mm_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0806100444-adaptor-za-bitove-force_246x246_pad_478b24840a
847 lv


FORCE products are distinguished by their quality and affordability, and to these characteristics must be added their functionality. The proposed adapter is no exception to this rule. The consumable is intended for mounting and dismounting bits by placing the appropriate tips. The product is made of high quality chrome-vanadium steel, which guarantees its durability and wear resistance. The length of the adapter is 38 mm. The quality workmanship of the nozzle makes it a desirable and necessary item for any specialist or amateur craftsman.



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