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Product Number 0806020117

  • Length: 250 mm
  • Ergonomic handles
  • Easy grip adjustment
2490lvOnline price

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Garga pliers 250 mm 0806100153-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0806050016_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3870 lv


FORCE products are distinguished by their quality and affordability, and to these characteristics must be added their excellent functionality. The pliers are designed for gripping and bending cables, wire ends, small pipes, etc. The size of the tool is set at 250 mm. Such tools are one of the most used consumables in repair and construction activities, electrical engineering, etc. The pliers are made of high quality steel, and their application is quite wide. Such products are used mainly in garages and other workshops.



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