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Product Number 0805060848

  • For threading, rolling or calibrating external threads
  • Diameter: Ф 4mm
  • For making easily assembled machine elements
1699лвOnline price

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Metric die plate M4 alloy and non-alloy steels, ISO 2 6H, DIN 352 0805060848-49-50-0806150042-plashka-za-narjazvane-na-vynshni-rezbi-m4-alpen_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0805060851-53-plashka_246x246_pad_478b24840a
5097 лв


The M4 type die is designed for manual or machine threading of external threads with a diameter of F4 mm. The die is manufactured by the Austrian company ALPEN, which has proven itself over time with extremely high quality accessories for drilling machines. The so-called die is a tool for manual or machine cutting, rolling or calibration of external threads and is mainly used for making easily assembled machine elements.

It is made of high-speed steel, which guarantees the accuracy of the cuts, high strength and high quality of the tool. It has a coating that protects against corrosion and allows work or storage in rooms with high humidity.



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