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Product Number 0307020042

  • Galvanized ring with screw
  • Outer diameter of 42 mm
  • Inner diameter of 32 mm
  • Thread diameter of 6 mm
100lvOnline price

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Galvanized ring with screw, manufactured by EBRU. The product is especially desired and sought after by farmers who want to insure themselves against possible encroachments on their property, placed in basements, warehouses, villas, etc. Apart from household needs, the ring with a bolt has its application in various company premises, such as warehouses, hangars, etc.
The dimensions of the item are:

  • outer diameter of 42 mm.
  • inner diameter of 32 mm.
  • thread diameter of 6 mm.
  • screw diameter of 5 mm.
  • hook length of 93 mm.
  • thread length of 40 mm.



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