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Product Number 0504020093

  • Swedish Sandvik steel blade
  • Especially suitable for hunters, fishermen, tourists
  • Overall length: 22.4 cm; blade length: 10.9mm
  • Blade thickness: 2.5 mm
  • With plastic case
5750лвOnline price

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Knife with plastic sheath Mora 2000 blade made of Sandvic steel 0502040453-semena-domat-sejnt-pier_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0504020172-sgyvaem-nozh-tk104-s-klips-za-kolan-i-kalyf-81-h-203-x-2-8mm-psd_246x246_pad_478b24840a
8119 лв


Universal knife of the MORA brand. The cutting tool is multifunctional, featuring its blade, which is made of Swedish stainless steel Sandvik steel. The Swedish accessory is especially suitable for the inventory of every hunter, fisherman, traveler, tourist and more. The knife is distinguished by its hardness and durability. The cutting tool can withstand the stresses associated with cutting products, meat and even certain wood panels. The handle of the knife is extremely comfortable and easy to grip. The total length of the knife is 22.4 cm, and only the blade is 10.9 cm long and 2.5 mm thick. The model is equipped with a convenient plastic case, through which the tool can be attached to a belt.



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