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Product Number 0806150234

  • Grater for tree
  • Series: ECO
  • Length: 200 mm
  • Width: 36mm
2590lvOnline price

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The wood planer, manufactured by PINIE, is one of the most versatile wood tools on the market. The model is from the ECO series, which are famous for their efficient and precise work. The ECO planer is a more economical alternative to a regular wood planer. The body of the tool is made of high quality beech. Its characteristics are used when rough boards or wooden surfaces need to be treated immediately after a digger has passed over them. Unlike other types of planers, the ECO model leaves no traces of its activity. This ability of the tool is especially sought after by most carpenters. The knife on the planer is straight and does not "hurt" wooden surfaces. The length of the planer is 200 mm, its width is set at 36 mm.


3,6 см.

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