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Product Number 0806150233

  • Grater for tree
  • Faltsovo
  • Length: 255 mm
  • Height: 18mm
  • Width: 155mm
3300лвOnline price

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Beech grater for wood 18 mm 0805061719-dvustranen-brus-za-zatochvane-na-nojove-200-x-50-x-25mm_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0806110035-dyrvodelsko-dleto-30-mm-65-mn-stomana_246x246_pad_478b24840a
4608 лв


Grater for wood, made by the German company PINIE. The planer is rebate, and it is narrower than other models sold on the market. Its length is set at 255 mm, its height is 18 mm and its width is 155 mm.The width of the blade is 18 mm.The weight of the tool is 250 g and the cutting angle is 45 degrees. The planer is especially needed by craftsmen who have to plan gutters, grooves and sills located on wooden doors and windows. The cutting tool is made of high quality beech, which has been pre-treated to achieve the desired humidity levels of 10%.The planer can work with the entire length of its body, which further increases its efficiency.



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