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Product Number 0504010008

  • Weight: 0.550kg
  • Made of cast steel
  • For wood processing
  • For forging, forging and cutting
2990лвOnline price

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Tesla with wooden handle 0.550 kg 0808010124_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0504010043_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3418 лв


Tesla with a wooden handle and weighing 0.550 kg. Tesla is used mainly in the construction industry, and can also be used for certain home repairs.It is a practical tool through which various details can be forged, forged or shaped.

Tesla is made of cast steel. Its most important application is in the driving and removal of nails, as well as in the processing of wood.


За коване, разковаване и сечене
Ташев Галвинг

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