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Product Number 1101110021

  • Winter concrete admixture Antifreeze
  • Does not contain chlorides
  • Accelerates strength gain
  • Increases frost resistance
  • Improves strength characteristics
  • Accelerates the bonding of cement and the hardening process of fresh concrete
  • Consumption rate: 1 kg/100 kg cement
  • Packaging: 5 kg
1799лвOnline price

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Additive for winter concreting Antifreeze 5 kg 1101100101_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1101110020-dobavka-za-zimno-betonirane-antifreeze-1kg-sika_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3043 лв


Winter concrete admixture Antifreeze brand SIKA. The ideal additive for winter concreting. It is reliable, does not contain chlorides and accelerates the accumulation of strength at moderately low temperatures.
It is widely used during the winter period of the year, when a sudden cold snap is expected and low temperatures are expected during the day and evening. The winter concrete admixture is also suitable for prestressed concrete.

Features and benefits of Antifreeze SIKA:

  • Increases frost resistance
  • Improves strength characteristics
  • Accelerates the bonding of cement and the hardening process of fresh concrete

With the help of the admixture, the critical strength of 4-5 Mpa is quickly achieved, at which the concrete can withstand slight frosts.
The consumption rate of the antifreeze additive for concrete is 1 kg per 100 kg of cement or 1% of the cement mass.
The winter concrete admixture is available in a 5 kg package.



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