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Product Number 0701040014

Mini oven CROWN GR09 with upper and lower reotan and 800W power. The oven has a capacity of 9 liters and dimensions (W x H x D) 361 x 257 x 188.5 mm. CROWN mini oven is white. It allows you to adjust the temperature to 230°C, has a 60-minute timer and an audible signal when the set timer expires. Mini oven CROWN GR09 is equipped with 1 cooking tray and a grill stand.
3990лвOnline price

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Mini oven CROWN GR09 with upper and lower reotan and 800W power. The oven has a capacity of 9 liters and dimensions (W x H x D) 361 x 257 x 188.5 mm. CROWN mini oven is white. It allows you to adjust the temperature to 230°C, has a 60-minute timer and an audible signal when the set timer expires. Mini oven CROWN GR09 is equipped with 1 cooking tray and a grill stand.



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