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Product Number 0102030105

  • It works very well even at low water pressure
  • With water saving system
  • With protection against limescale build-up
  • Double locking hose
  • With soap dish and adapter
  • Easy installation
10280лвOnline price

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Tubular suspension with stationary and movable shower 0103030218-keramichen-monoblok-iva-sys-zadno-ottichane-3-6-litra_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0102010630-smesitel-za-vana-dush_246x246_pad_478b24840a
44824 лв


Pipe suspension of the FORMA VITA brand has a stationary shower, a movable shower and a hose. FORMA VITA is one of the most preferred brands on the Bulgarian market due to the fact that it combines beautiful design, functionality and quality at a good price.
The pipe suspension works very well even at low water pressure. The shower hose and switch are made of high quality stainless steel. The pipe of the stationary shower has a diameter of Ф22 mm, and the total length of the shower system is 1030 mm. The hand shower, as well as the shower head of the tubular suspension, with its unobtrusive round shape, give a sense of style and contribute to the comfort of the bathroom.
The FORMA VITA pipe suspension is equipped with a water saving system as well as protection against limescale build-up.
The brass shower hose has a double lock and a size of 150-165 cm.
The set of the shower system includes:

  • Soap dish, which is mounted on the pipe suspension
  • Adapter (Suitable for all rotors)
  • Available installation instructions


Тръбни окачвания
С подвижен и стационарен душ
60 месеца

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