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Product Number 0602050185

  • Made of yen glass
  • Dimensions: 22 x 22 cm (with handles 26 cm)
  • Depth: 5 cm
  • Exceptional heat resistance
  • It can also be used for serving
  • Suitable for microwave, dishwasher and freezer
1459лвOnline price

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Jena square tray 22 x 22 cm Alorno 0602030596-tendzhera-5l-sys-styklen-kapak-24x13-5sm-rosberg-neryzhdaema-stomana_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0603050375-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3957 лв


ALORNO baking tray. Made of yen glass. The tray has a square shape with dimensions of 22 x 22 cm (with handles 26 cm) and a depth of 5 cm. Yen glass cookware is extremely heat-resistant and can withstand temperatures from -40° to 300°C. The specific thing about this type of dishes is that the temperature changes should happen smoothly. They should not be placed in a hot oven or on a hot stove and should not be placed in them cold when heated. Otherwise, we risk the vessel bursting.

Cooking in kitchen accessories made of yen glass becomes absolutely harmless and healthy, because the glass does not emit any harmful emissions and does not come into contact with the food in any way. These containers are highly preferred for use by people with allergies. Apart from cooking, they can also be used for serving. They are suitable for use in microwave ovens, gas, electric, convection and other types of ovens.

Glass cookware has good thermal conductivity. The dishes in them are prepared evenly and have a good taste. After cooking, Yen utensils do not change color and even if they happen to burn, they can be cleaned quickly and easily with soapy water and a sponge. It is not preferable to use abrasives when washing, so as not to get cracks on the glass.

  • They are suitable for storing in the freezer and washing in the dishwasher


Тави за печене
22 х 22см
Йенско стъкло

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