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Product Number 1006040031

  • Decorative polystyrene rosette for ceiling or wall C15
  • Size: f42 cm
  • Exceptional hardness and smoothness
  • Primer for direct painting
  • Easy installation
2399лвOnline price

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Decorative polystyrene rosette for ceiling and wall C15/B23 Ф42см 1005021677_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1005021678_246x246_pad_478b24840a
2877 лв


Decorative polystyrene rosette for ceiling or wall C15 of the brand NOMASTYL. The rosette has a size of 42 cm.
Decorative polystyrene rosettes for walls and ceilings are made of high-density expanded polystyrene, thanks to which they have exceptional hardness and smoothness. They are easy and trouble-free to install.
The sockets for walls and ceilings are covered with a special primer that allows direct painting with water-based paints.
For their installation it is recommended to be glued with Adhesive for polystyrene profiles 0.5 kg ADEFIX. They are made with a rough surface in the back for stronger bonding.


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