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Product Number 1006020084

PVC ламперия с размери 8мм 25см x 270см и цвят Зебрано сив. PVC ламперията е практично решение за оформяне на интериора в помещения от всякакъв тип. PVC ламперията е едно чудесно дизайнерско решение и като акцент на стена или таван в интериора. Придава ефектен завършен вид на стени и тавани.
1019лвOnline price

Бърза доставка

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PVC paneling with dimensions 8mm 25cm x 270cm and color Zebrano gray. PVC paneling is a practical solution for interior design in rooms of any type. PVC paneling is a great design solution as an accent on the wall or ceiling in the interior. Gives a spectacular finished look to walls and ceilings.
PVC paneling is suitable for:
- Different types of humid rooms
- Concealment of cables and pipes
Waterproof properties make the panels extremely suitable for wet rooms such as bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, garages, indoor pools, changing rooms and more.
Installation is quick, easy and without wet processes, saves time and money for labor and repairs.



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