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Product Number 1106040047

  • Hand-held assembly foam with low expansion
  • Suitable for areas susceptible to deformation
  • Adheres excellently to wood, concrete, brick and other building materials
  • Provides high coefficient of thermal and sound insulation
  • Open time (1 cm width): 7 +/- 2 minutes (ASTM C1620)
  • Cutting time (1 cm width): 20 - 45 minutes (ASTM C1620)
  • Curing time: 24 hours
  • Volume: 750 ml
  • Color: yellow
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Low-expansion polyurethane foam manual 806, 750ml AKFIX 1101080036-lepilen-zidarski-raztvor_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1103020015-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3477 lv


Hand-held low-expansion polyurethane foam AKFIX 806, in a 750 ml package, is a one-component foam designed for areas that are susceptible to deformation (door and window frames, for example). The foam adheres perfectly to wood, concrete, brick and other building materials. AKFIX 806 provides a high coefficient of thermal and sound insulation. Shelf life is 15 months when stored in unopened packaging at room temperature.

Technical data:

  • Volume: 850 ml
  • Color: yellow
  • Specific weight: 22 +/- 3 kg / cm³ (ASTM D1622)
  • Open time (1 cm width): 7 +/- 2 minutes (ASTM C1620)
  • Cutting time (1 cm width): 20 - 45 minutes (ASTM C1620)
  • Time of curing: 24 hours
  • Productivity: 30 - 45 l (ASTM C1536)
  • Foam combustion class: B3 (DIN 4102-1)
  • Application temperature: +5°C to +30°C
  • Temperature resistance: -40°C to +80°C



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