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Product Number 0905070047

  • Transformer
  • For LED lighting SPD SLIM LED DRIVER
  • Operating voltage: 12V
  • Power: 60W
  • Degree of protection: IP67
  • Size: 160 x 41 x 32 mm
3679лвOnline price

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Transformer for LED strips and lamps 60W IP67 0903060133-gyvkav-konektor-za-led-lenta-ednocvetna-smd-3528-2br-paket_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0903020006-07-08-kabel-sh-vpl-a_246x246_pad_478b24840a
4087 лв


The VIVALUX SPD SLIM LED DRIVER transformer is designed to control various LED and halogen strips and lamps placed in residential premises, offices, restaurants and more. The offered variant has a power of 60W and a degree of protection IP67. The high resistance of the transformer makes it a suitable asset for outdoor gardens or terraces of restaurants and hotels. It has a high degree of moisture resistance and protection against dust. The transformer can be smoked. The size of the SPD SLIM LED DRIVER model is 160 x 41 x 32 mm. The transformer can work with lamps and strips whose operating voltage is 12V.


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