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Product Number 1006040013

  • Decorative polystyrene corners BW11
  • Set of 4 pcs.
  • Width: 11mm
  • For shaping frames and figures
  • High hardness and impact resistance
  • Primer for direct painting
  • Easy installation
2995лвOnline price

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Decorative polystyrene corners BW11 4pcs / package 0304040018_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1106020152_246x246_pad_478b24840a
5443 лв


Set of 4 decorative polystyrene corners BW11 with a width of 11 mm. Decorative polystyrene corners are used for quick and easy shaping of frames and decorative figures.
They are characterized by high hardness and impact resistance. Decorative polystyrene corners are covered with a special primer that allows direct painting with water-based paints.
Thanks to their surface, they are cut, glued and painted very quickly and easily. For their installation it is recommended to glue with glue for polystyrene profiles and sills SX100 Homestar. They are made with a rough surface in the back for stronger bonding.


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