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Product Number 0505050057

Велосипед PASSATI - COOL 26" е подходящ за юноши и възрастни. Велосипед PASSATI - COOL е без амортисьори. Рамката на велосипеда е прахово боядисана. Изработена е от стомана и е с размери 26 х 330мм. Вилката на велосипед PASSATI – COOL 26" също е изработена от твърда стомана 26V-BRAKE. Кормилната колона NECO H800K е с височина 34мм и размер 1“ х 24T. Тя е изключително здрава, издръжлива на високи натоварвания. Каплите на велосипеда са едностенни, изработени от алуминий и с размери 26"/36H. Предлагат висока устойчивост на натоварвания.
19760лвPromo price 24700лвOld price

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PASSATI - COOL 26"bicycle is suitable for teenagers and adults. PASSATI - COOL bicycle is without shock absorbers. The bicycle frame is powder coated. It is made of steel and measures 26 x 330 mm. The PASSATI - COOL 26" bicycle fork is also made of 26V-BRAKE hard steel. The NECO H800K steering column is 34 mm high and measures 1" x 24T. It is extremely strong, resistant to high loads. The drops of the bicycle are single-walled , made of aluminum and with dimensions of 26"/36H. They offer high resistance to loads.
The bicycle tires are of proven quality of the INNOVA brand. They are 26 X 2.0 in size.
The PASSATI - COOL 26" bicycle is of course equipped with both front and rear brakes. Both brakes are aluminum V BRAKE-POWER. The switch, gears, rear derailleur and free ring gear are SHIMANO.
Gears - SHIMANO TOURNEY RS35 - 18 pieces
Switch - SHIMANO RS 35-6R/L
Rear derailleur - SHIMANO TZ 50
Free wreath - SHIMANO TZ 20



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