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Product Number 0804050031

Водоструйка K5 Compact Car на KARCHER с мощност 2100W, налягане 145Bar и дебит 500 л/ч. Водоструйка KARCHER е предназначена за почистване и отстраняване на наслоени замърсявания от автомобили, мотори, каменни стени и велосипеди. Водоструйка KARCHER е с компактни размери (Д х Ш х В) 516 х 295 х 282мм и е лесна за транспортиране. Има удобна телескопична дръжка, която е изработена от алуминий. Изработена е със здрава конструкция и защита с воден филтър.
56900lvTop price

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KARCHER K5 Compact Car water jet with 2100W power, adjustable pressure from 20 to 145bar and flow rate 500 l/h. - characteristics suitable for trouble-free processing of an area up to 40 sq.m/hour. The maximum inlet water temperature can be up to 40°C.
It is designed for cleaning and removing layered dirt from cars, motorcycles, stone walls, bicycles and much more. The water jet is equipped with a powerful water-cooled motor and offers compact dimensions (L x W x H) 516 x 295 x 282 mm, which make it easy to transport. It is made with a strong construction, has a secure protection with a water filter, and the aluminum telescopic handle will make it as easy as possible to work with the water jet.
Equipment and accessories:
- Pistol with quick coupling system
- High pressure hose with a length of 8 meters
- Vario Power nozzle and rotary nozzle to clean the most stubborn dirt
- Foam nozzle
- Rotating brush
- Drying towel
- Detergent Car shampoo 3 in 1


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