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Product Number 1106020138

  • Universal glue putty - welding
  • Fine metals, wood, glass, stone, marble, plastic
  • Curing time at room temperature: 3 hours
  • Temperature resistance: from -35 °C to +200 °C
  • Compressive force: 80N/mm2
  • Tensile strength: 30N/mm2
  • Durability at room temperature: 3 years
  • Shelf life, refrigerated: 5 years
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Universal glue putty - welding 100g 1106020139-lepilo-universalno_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1101110015-16_246x246_pad_478b24840a
2588 lv


Universal adhesive putty - welding brand SUN-FIX, very easy to use. The glue is for universal use - sealing, gluing, filling, etc.
It can be applied on materials such as metals, wood, glass, stone, marble and most plastics.
The universal adhesive is resistant to fuels, oils, esters, salt water, as well as most acids. It is often used for quick repairs such as gluing different materials, sealing pipes and tanks, repair and construction, pipe repair and more.

Technical information:
- Curing time at room temperature: 3 hours
- Temperature resistance: from -35 °C to +200 °C
- Compressive force: 80N/mm2
- Tensile strength: 30N/mm2
- Durability at room temperature: 3 years
- Durability, refrigerated: 5 years



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