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Product Number 0805040105

Куфар за съхранение и пренасяне на ръчни инструменти Джъмбо 22" PREMIUM. Куфарът е изработен от висококачествена и издръжлива на високи натоварвания и удар пластмаса със сигурни и здрави метални закопчалки.
3990лвOnline price

Бърза доставка

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Case for storage and transport of hand tools Jumbo 22" PREMIUM. The case is made of high quality and resistant to high loads and impact plastic with secure and strong metal fasteners.

The hand tool case has a convenient ergonomic handle for easy carrying. It is equipped with convenient compartments with transparent lids at the top for storing consumables. In the inner part of the tool case there is a convenient tray - organizer. There is enough space under it to hold larger tools and consumables. The Jumbo 22" PREMIUM hand tool storage case measures 564x 310 x 388mm.



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