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Product Number 0806100087

Звездогаечен ключ с размери 19мм на марката IUS&MOB. Звездогаечният ключ е инструмент за развиване и завиване на болтове, винтове и гайки. Инструмента е подходящ за всяко домакинство и сервиз.
948лвOnline price

Бърза доставка

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Standard socket wrench manufactured by IUS&MOB. The tool is designed for use by both professionals and amateur craftsmen. It is needed for almost every installation and repair work. The wrench is made of chrome-vanadium steel, and its coating is chrome. The IUS&MOB model provides the ability to tighten and unscrew various bits and bolts used in automotive diagnostics, installation, repair and more. The tool belongs to the standard types of keys available on the market. The IUS&MOB model measures 19 mm. The wrench is made according to DIN 3113 and ISO 7738 standards.



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