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Product Number 0203010084

  • Latex Light with silver ions
  • With permanent antibacterial and antifungal effect
  • For wet rooms as well
  • Good resistance to aging and yellowing
  • Excellent resistance to wet rubbing and washing
  • Consumption rate: 14-16 sq.m/l. for one layer
2949лвOnline price
Размер: 2.5л 8.5л 15л


Latex with permanent antibacterial and antifungal effect Light ORGAHIM in a 2.5 liter package. Latex Leko is suitable for walls and wet rooms, providing good resistance to aging and yellowing. It ensures breathability of the wall and has excellent resistance to wet rubbing and washing. Latex Leko does not spray when applied, and when it dries it does not form a compact precipitate and does not change its viscosity over time. Easily applied with a paint roller, paint brush or airless spray.

Spending rate:

  • For one layer: 14 - 16 sq.m/l


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