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Product Number 0703040065

Газов калорифер RAIDER RD-GH40 с мощност 40kW и размери 57 х 22 х 37см. Калорифер RIDER без проблеми може бързо да затопли въздуха в помещение с кубатура 310 кубични метра.
29900лвOnline price

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Gas heater RAIDER RD-GH40 with power 40kW and dimensions 57 x 22 x 37 cm. The RIDER heater can easily heat the air in a room with a cubic capacity of 310 cubic meters without any problems.
The gas heater is a suitable solution when a powerful, light and convenient to carry heating device is needed. It is able to warm the air in a fairly large space around it in a short time. The warm air heated by the RAIDER RD-GH40 heater is blown out by an electric fan in the form of a strong air jet with a flow rate of 750 cubic meters per hour. This allows rapid heating of the air in production rooms or in rooms that are not heated at night.



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