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Product Number 0505060072

Пазарска чанта на колелца за пренасяне на обемист и тежък багаж. Чантата е с приблизителна вместимост от 40 литра и е изработена от PVC и метал.
3899лвOnline price

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Wheeled bag for carrying bulky and heavy luggage. The bag has an approximate capacity of 40 liters and is made of PVC and metal. It is convenient for carrying bulky and heavy luggage. Thanks to the auxiliary wheels, which are made of silicone, carrying is easy and fast.
The shopping bag on wheels has a large pocket that closes with a cord, and thanks to the textile cover you will protect your products from dust and moisture.
The large shopping bag can be easily removed from the cart and used for picnics or storage of picnic products.
The bag provides extra storage space for bottles or umbrellas. It also comes with a zippered pocket on the back where you can easily store your wallets or your glasses.
The shopping bag on wheels measures 35.5 x 30 x 95 cm.



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