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Product Number 0705140133

Месомелачка K123 Reverse на марката KING е с мощност 1800W. Остриетата, както и ножа на месомелачката са изработени от висококачествена неръждаема стомана. Снабдена е с 3 режещи глави и голям, удобен тиган за пълнене на месо, изработен от алуминий.
13900lvOnline price

Бърза доставка

Преглед на пратката

Право на връщане


Meat grinder K123 Reverse brand KING has a power of 1800W. The blades as well as the meat grinder knife are made of high quality stainless steel. It is equipped with 3 cutting heads and a large, convenient pan for stuffing meat, made of aluminum. It has a "reverse rotation"function , which allows the motor to move in the opposite direction and thus facilitates the cleaning of the meat grinder.
The set includes:
- Tomato strainer
- 3 additional grilles
- Filling accessories

Additional information about the item can be found in the "Technical Documentation".


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