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Product Number 0604060231

Покривката е с размери 160 x 220 см. Изработена е от 25% бамбук, 20% вискоза и 55% полиестер. Бамбуковите влакна правят плата мек като коприна и много издръжлив.
3679лвSpecial price

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The tablecloth measures 160 x 220 cm. It is made of 25% bamboo, 20% viscose and 55% polyester. Bamboo fibers make the fabric soft as silk and very durable. Does not retain stains, practical and easy to maintain. The waterproof fabric handles even spilled wine, just wipe with a damp cloth. The Tabe Bamboo tablecloth adds even more coziness and
perfectly complements the interior of your kitchen.


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