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Product Number 1106010076

Бял санитерен силикон QUILOSA K-93 е лесна за използване еднокомпонентна система в разфасовка от 280мл. Предназначен за използване в мокри помещения, кухня и баня.
555лвOnline price

Бърза доставка

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Право на връщане


White sanitary silicone QUILOSA K-93 is an easy to use one-component system in a package of 280 ml. Designed for use in wet rooms , kitchen and bathroom.
Applies to:
- Sealing the joints between glass, frames and cracks
- For insulation of connections of sanitary products
QUILOSA K-93 is not recommended for use in building materials such as concrete or masonry (and the like), as well as ferrous metals such as copper and brass. Sanitary silicone is high in fungicide.
QUILOSA K-93 has excellent technical performance and high resistance to adverse weather conditions.



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