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Product Number 0103030097

Моноблок IDEAL STANDARD от серия Juno със задно оттичане и бял цвят. Тоалетното казанче е с долно водоподаване. Тоалетната седалка е изработена от дуропласт с пластмасови крепежни елементи.
19999лвOnline price

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Monoblock IDEAL STANDARD from the Juno series with rear drain and white color. The toilet cistern has a lower water supply. The toilet seat is made of duroplast with plastic fasteners. The toilet cistern of the IDEAL STANDARD monoblock allows control of water release - 3 or 6 liters. Offers a modern design to suit every taste.
The IDEAL STANDARD monoblock has high resistance to chemicals. Sanitary ware products are covered with glaze, which provides additional protection and a shiny surface.
Its dimensions are (W x H x D): 350 x 750 x 630 mm.


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