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Product Number 0601010052

  • Dimensions: 75.5 x 48 cm
  • With left countertop
  • Complete with siphon, brackets and seals
  • With tap hole and dispenser space
  • Resistance to strong detergents
  • Easy to clean and maintain
13429лвPromo price 15799лвOld price

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Single kitchen sink alpaca with left countertop Creta Margarita by PYRAMIS. The alpaca kitchen sink has a smooth chrome finish. The Creta Margarita model is available complete with a siphon - top and bottom, clamps and seals.Thanks to its large sink, the sink is extremely functional.

The alpaca kitchen sink is beautiful, hygienic and practical. Easy to clean and maintain. PYRAMIS's Creta Margarita stainless steel kitchen sink is resistant to high temperatures, physical exertion and strong detergents . It has a standard hole for a standing kitchen sink faucet. There is also a place to place a dispenser for faith.

The single kitchen sink alpaca Creta Margarita by PYRAMIS measures 75.5 x 48 cm. The siphon hole has a diameter of 6 cm.

The sink is available without a mixer included.You can check out our suggestions for kitchen faucets in the category kitchen mixer .


75.5 х 48см

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