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Product Number 0504020015

Градинските ножици за храсти GARDENA Comfort са особено подходящи за точното и лесно оформяне на храсти. Ножиците са много леки, имат ергономичен дизайн, позволяващ работа без умора.
5100лвOnline price

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Shrub shears from the Comfort series of the GARDENA brand. The cutting work piece is made of high quality steel. The scissors are very light and have an ergonomic design that allows you to work tirelessly. Technogel® pads built into the handles and additional buffers with soft plastic components ensure optimal shock absorption.

The blades of the scissors are precisely sharpened and have a non-stick coating. This ensures easy and accurate cutting. The tool has a built-in cutter for thicker branches.
The total length of the scissors is 40 cm, and only the blades are 18 cm long.


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