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Product Number 0503020090

Раменната пръскачка на марката GARDENA е с вместимост 5 литра и е идеална за разпръскване на торове или пестициди в градината. Конструирана е за максимално налягане от 3 бара и е снабдена с предпазен клапан, който бързо изпуска налягането с цел безопасност. Снабден е с индикатор за нивото на зареденото количество.
5490лвOnline price

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Garden hand sprayer of the GARDENA brand. The model has a capacity of 5 liters and is ideal for spreading fertilizers or pesticides in the garden. The sprayer is designed for a maximum pressure of 3 bar and is equipped with a safety valve that quickly releases pressure for safety.

The item is equipped with an indicator for the level of the loaded quantity. Thanks to it you will not need to open the tank. It has an ergonomic D-shaped handle that is easy to pump.

With the curved extended sprayer, the sprayer is ideal for spraying from the underside of the leaves, and the locked trigger in the depressed and relaxed position makes work even easier. The shoulder strap makes it easier to move the appliance. The length of the hose is 1.75 m and the maximum allowed operating temperature is 40°C.



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