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Product Number 0503010045

  • Hose length: 50 m
  • Hose Diameter: 13mm (1/2")
  • Maximum pressure: 25 bar
  • Power Grip profile for a perfect connection with connectors
  • Reinforced with textile spiral mesh
  • Does not twist, break or knot
16059lvOnline price

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Garden hose 50m Comfort FLEX 1/2", φ13mm, 25 Bar 0503010136_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0503030018_246x246_pad_478b24840a
24759 lv


The GARDENA Comfort FLEX hose with Power Grip profile guarantees its perfect connection with the connector thanks to a new technology similar to the gear connection. The Power Grip profile offers what many gardeners have long dreamed of - a reliable connection with perfect holding power. Another positive effect of the profile: the hose is easy to roll up and slip with less effort. Thanks to the spiral textile mesh with two spirals wound in two opposite directions, the hose is pressure resistant and retains its shape, but remains flexible and easy to use. Does not twist, break or knot. If necessary, the hose can be connected in a system of connectors and any watering accessories from the original GARDENA system. It is resistant to UV rays. Thick walls make it strong and durable.



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