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Product Number 0602010779

Комплект 6 броя чаши за червено вино от серията InAlto. Чашите са с диаметър 95 мм, височина 220 мм и вместимост 470 мл. Изработени са от безоловно кристално стъкло "Star Glass", което придава най-висока степен на прозрачност, чистота и блясък на стъклото.
3430lvOnline price

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Set of 6 red wine glasses from the InAlto series. The cups have a diameter of 95 mm, a height of 220 mm and a capacity of 470 ml. They are made of lead-free crystal glass "Star Glass", which gives the highest degree of transparency, purity and shine to the glass. Thanks to this technology you have the opportunity to see the most accurate color of the wine. XLT treatment technology adds extra durability to the glass. The glasses from the InAlto series have a modern design, elegant shape and offer the highest level of quality to meet all the needs of the most prestigious hotels and restaurants or for the home. Can be used in the dishwasher and microwave.


Червено Вино

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