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Product Number 0505030046

  • For preparing all kinds of dishes
  • Preserves food vitamins
  • Gives coziness and home atmosphere
  • Diameter: 26 cm
679lvOnline price

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Medium clay ball with a diameter of 26 cm. It is a stand that is pre-heat treated / hardened / and ready for use. At home it is heated in the oven, on a gas or electric stove.

The first few times it is good not to wash the sach, but to let the fat and the aroma of the cooked dishes soak into it (it is recommended not to put fish at least in the beginning). The sachet is wiped with a towel and washed only under running water without any detergents. Do not soak or wash with hot water. Wash only when completely cooled! You can cook all kinds of dishes - meat and vegetarian. Prepared in this way, food retains its vitamins and minerals. Sach will give comfort and a homely atmosphere in your home.



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