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Product Number 0701010092

Хладилник с камера, енергиен клас А+, диспенсър за вода и No Frost система. Хладилникът е с общ капацитет 370 литра. Обемът на фризера е 100 литра, а на хладилника - 270 литра.
116900лвOnline price

Бърза доставка

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Право на връщане


Refrigerator with chamber, energy class A+, water dispenser and No Frost system. The refrigerator has a total capacity of 370 liters. The volume of the freezer is 100 liters, and the refrigerator - 270 liters. It has a low noise level - 43dB, indoor LED lighting, Multi air-flow and digital sensors. It is also equipped with LED display, rotating ice maker, open door alarm and Bioshield. The shelves are made of tempered glass.
Its size is (W x H x D) 68 x 173 x 73 cm.


24 месеца

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