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Product Number 0801010049

Ъглошлайфът SPARKY M 850 HD има пълна прахова защита за по-дълъг живот, подобрена вентилация, която осигурява ниски температури на двигателя при работа.
13500лвOnline price

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The manual angle grinder SPARKY M 850 HD or also called Flex, is characterized by its complete dust protection, as well as improved and optimized ventilation ensuring low operating temperatures of the engine, increasing its operational reliability and resistance to heavy loads during prolonged operation.

The machine has a flat gearbox, which allows work even in tight spaces, and the additional handle will prevent strong vibrations during cutting, as well as contribute to better control of the machine. In addition to convenience during operation, the angle grinder also offers good technical characteristics, high productivity and good protection, which guarantees a long period of operation. It is equipped with overload protection, self-closing brushes, fuse protection and a switch with locking in the on position. Of course, the angle grinder allows the spindle to be locked for quick and safe replacement of the cutting or sanding disc. The manual angle grinder SPARKY M 850 HD is indispensable when cutting or grinding parts and products where it is impossible to use desktop cutting and grinding machines. It is suitable for cutting and grinding metal, as well as for cutting faience, granite and terracotta.


  • Complete dust protection and optimized ventilation for longer tool life
  • Flat gearbox
  • Dust-resistant brush holder
  • Fuse with breakage protection
  • High torque
  • Switch with locking in the on position
  • Spindle lock
  • Self-extinguishing brushes
  • Disc diameter: Ф125mm

  • Idle speed: 10000 min – 1
  • Spindle connection thread: M14
  • Power: 850W


10000 об/мин
12 месеца

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