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Product Number 1006010070

Немски тапет RASCH с цвят златист и PVC покритие на Флис основа. Размерът на ролката е 10.05 м Х 53 см, а квадратурата, която покрива е ~5 кв.м.
3180lvOnline price

Бърза доставка

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German wallpaper RASCH with golden color and PVC coating on fleece base. The size of the roll is 10.05 m X 53 cm, and the area it covers is ~ 5 sq.m. Fleece wallpaper differs from ordinary on a special basis of non-woven fibers that is used. With Fleece wallpaper, the joints between the sheets do not overlap, are placed close to each other, and thanks to their special base do not deform after drying and do not dissolve.



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