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Product Number 0205010046

  • For gypsum plasters on old foundations, especially concrete
  • Environmentally friendly product with very good adhesion
  • Creates excellent traction
  • Drying time: about 12 hours at 20 ° C
  • Can be diluted with water
  • Consumption rate: up to 250 g / sq.m
759лвOnline price

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Contact primer for gypsum plasters 1.4 kg 0205010040-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1101070011-podova-zamazka-solido-e160-25-kg-baumit_246x246_pad_478b24840a
2037 лв


Contact primer BetonKontakt of BORO is an ideal intermediary for laying gypsum plasters on smooth concrete bases with minimal absorbency. Recommended especially for smooth concrete, ceilings and other concrete panels.
The primer is an environmentally friendly product with very good adhesion to various substrates. The specific relief structure creates excellent adhesion between old foundations and new gypsum plasters.
Application is easy and material losses are small. Apply with a brush or roller. It dries in about 12 hours at an air temperature of 20°C and a humidity of 65%.
If necessary, it can be diluted with water.
It is recommended to be applied at temperatures between +5°С and +35°С. Mixing with other similar products is not allowed.
The consumption rate is up to 250 g/sq.m (depending on the base).
Warranty period: 18 months from the date of manufacture
Storage: from 5°С to 35°С .


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